Submission and Registration

• Presenters are invited to send proposals (abstracts) for presentations in paper presentation, poster presentation, workshop and symposia sessions.
• All submissions must be original and relevant to the conference themes and topics.
• All proposals (abstracts) are to be submitted through the system. Presenters are required to create an account through the conference management system to register before submitting their proposals (abstracts). Please note that you will need to have a Google account to register and submit your abstracts. Please contact us if you need further assistance.
• Submission is limited to TWO proposals (abstracts) per individual or group.
• The proposals (abstracts) should be no longer than 250 words, be written in English, and includes aim of the study, method, result, conclusion, and implication. Please provide 3 to 5 keywords, written in alphabetical order with 60-word biodata of each of the presenters.