Submitting to Proceedings

Presenters are invited to submit papers to one of these proceedings (Please choose one).

A full paper for ISSN and indexed proceedings should be 3000-4000 words (excluding references and appendices) or no more than 8 pages (with references and appendices).

Please use the appropriate proceedings template when submitting to the conference proceedings. Papers which are rejected by journals should be rewritten to fit the templates of the proceedings.


Peer Review Process

All submitted manuscripts for both E-ISSN and indexed proceedings are double anonymized review. Submissions which meet the requirements of the proceedings arereviewed by two experienced reviewers relevant to the theme of the conference for each submitted manuscript. These manuscripts are rated using the following criteria.

  1. The abstract reflects and summarizes the paper clearly and effectively.
  2. The introduction part reviews relevant and current literature to show the significance of the topic.
  3.  In the introduction part, the aims are clear and well-justified. 
  4. For a research-based article, the paper presents clear and appropriate research procedure(s). 
  5. For a conceptual article, the paper presents headings relevant to the topic. 
  6. The presentation of the findings is adequate with the findings being critically discussed in light of relevant literature. 
  7. The conclusions and suggestions are relevant. 
  8. The references are appropriate and adequate. 
  9. The paper is well-organized and clearly written.